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Soiree Chair: Philip Byron


Hosted by the National MS Society’s Emerging Leaders Board of Southern California
Co-Chairs: Kristen Karasek & Erica Angarano 

ELB Members: Adriel Arenas, Blake Arnet, Moises Arroyo, Amara Brenner, Abby Brian, Tyler Burke, Philip Byron, Cecelia Dain, Nicole Glantz, Elizabeth Grobe, Ted Jones, Antonia Juarez, Joseph Juarez, Kassandra Koenig, Isabella Lebovitz, Christa Lorenz, Stephanie Manis, Concetta Maratta, Alaya McKinney, Taylor Moustris, Amanda Nelson, Courtney Platt, Alex Richanbach, Drea Schneider, Andrew Wittenberg, Eric Zunkley