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Juanita Santiago's Loving Family profile picture

In Loving Memory of Juanita Santiago

Sponsored by Juanita Santiago's Loving Family


Thank you for visiting the memorial page of Juanita Santiago.  She was passionate about supporting this cause.  Her second daughter, Teresa Walker, was diagnosed with relapsing and remitting Multiple Sclerosis 26 years ago in 1995.  She immediately subscribed to the Momentum Magazine and read other articles to become more in knowledgeable about the disease. She donated frequently to support the National MS Society's research and development efforts to find a cure for this unpredictable disease. She worried about Teresa's health since Teresa continued to work full time and raise a daughter as a single parent after she was diagnosed with MS. Supporting this cause was personal and we appreciate your generosity in her honor.

Thank you for your support! Together we can make a difference.


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